Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why I'm Indebted to this Man

If you know much about me, you'll know that I am a poor writer and an even worse public speaker. The thrust of my feeble attempts to communicate with other humans is generally (and most effectively) done via anecdotes or short concise lists. With this in mind, please allow me to share with my faithful readers (all 3 or 4 of you) a post that is long overdue, and one that I could never fully do justice.

In short: the man's name is David James Keen. My best friend and confidant of about 7 years this February.

Consider this anecdote:
David and I were in NYC in April pontificating over a few cold ones at a small pub in the West Village. 'Twas a lovely Manhattan evening and the smells of the early Spring impregnated the air. To my surprise, one of the most beautiful women I have seen in Manhattan sat down at the table adjacent to us. Virtually everyone male in the room noticed her--she was that kind. You know, the kind of girl whose beauty is so imposing it demands all of your attention. I, of course, NEVER approach women--far too shy for such a thing--and immediately dismissed the idea of some embarrassing, failed attempt to speak with her. David pleaded with me over and over to talk to her, but I wouldn't hear of such a thing. Finally he had somehow managed to talk me into approaching her, apologizing for the interruption, and kindly telling her that she was beautiful and she should know that. I thought this sounded plausible. I mean, what woman doesn't want to hear that she is beautiful--that is, in a non-creepy, completely appropriate manner? So, after much reluctance, I thought, "What the hell? I've never done this and I'm in NYC with my best friend for god's sakes. What's the worst that could happen?--I come off as a creepy bastard? Then she would merely know the truth about me?" So, I did it.

In short, it was a success! She was delighted to hear my compliment and even told me that she especially needed to hear that tonight after the terrible day she had had. We made some small chat beyond pleasantries and then I left. No exchange of numbers or a request for anything in return. Simply a kind smile and a compliment. Makes me wonder how others will respond to genuine kindness.

David, this post is for you. Without you, I would lack a significant amount of confidence--especially when it comes to women. In the end, please consider this list(see below) as a token of my love and reasons as to why I am indebted to you.

10. He honks and "deuces" every pedestrian on the road.
9. He lets me call him any pet name I may desire, e.g. "ol' biggin" "Tank" "Bossman" "Blossman" "Rev the Tank" et cetera
8. He is an evangelical that actually thinks
7. He let me live at his house for free during the summer of '08
6. He's someone with whom I share a love for IPA's
5. He's a man of conviction and faith to a degree that I wish I possessed
4. He went streaking at my college graduation
3. I'm always more confident around him
2. I met my last girlfriend because he introduced us when I was too afraid to approach her--which turned out to be short-lived but a great thing with a great young lady
1. He knows every single one of my shortcomings and still loves me unconditionally


Keri Leigh said...

YES! A post!

I seriously thought the story would end with...

"I came home, and to my surprise, found a facebook friend request from none other than the beautiful lady in NYC."

How romantic, right?

jonbon said...

Yes, how romantic!

It's funny how facebook is the chosen method by which we connect to people these days. One cursory glance at a profile and I can know more about people than I ever did in casual conversation.

I've been thinking. From now on, when I meet a young lady and things are going well, I'm going to say, "May I have your name and network?" Rather than the "would you mind if I have your number and give you a call sometime?" Facebook is the new platform on which we connect with potential mates.

I actually met a girl at a bar this past St. Patty's day. In lieu of her number, she gave me her name and network. 'Tis true.

Keri Leigh said...

However tempting that may be JWH, DON'T DO IT!

Facebook does seem to be the new avenue for courting, but I think it is a shameful practice. Probably until I am 25 (a year and some months), I will let this kind of lameness slide but after that, I will only date men who offer the old fashioned phone call or knock on the door (in a sweet, non-psycho kind of way, mind you).

There's something about romance that requires difficulty, or at least minor effort to go out of one's way.

Here's my favorite example: Two folks met and shared a brief conversation in Colorado but the lady had to catch a flight back to...you guessed it: Rome, Georgia. Before leaving Colorado she told the nice gentleman that she didn't want to leave her email or phone number with him. Instead, she gave him her name only and told him that if he wanted to pursue something more, he'd find her.

About a month later (after driving cross country and asking neighbors where she could be found), that guy showed up at her doorstep in Rome, Georgia. True story! And they lived happily ever after!

A little dignity and a little respect for yourself, coupled with some good ol' fashioned romance, is no doubt the best way to approach modern day relationships. As my good friend Baracky says, "Can you afford 8 more years of the same?"

I can't. I'm voting for change.


jonbon said...

Thanks for the advice. lovin' the anecdote, btw. Although i doubt the validity of the 'happily ever after' within the account. But I, of course, live by a hermeneutic of suspicion.

Of course, I would never ACTUALLY use the facebook method. You should know me better. I'm far too high-brow for that. I'd go the classier route... using MySpace instead ;-)