Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Located on Witherspoon Avenue in downtown Princeton, NJ--across the street from my favorite coffee shop (Small World!) and at the entrance of the alley to a great record store--was this hilarious, yet dreadfully ironic and wildly inappropriate street name. This post is in memory of it. It was removed this summer--and probably for good reason.


Mike Bailey said... some.

to the heartless, pehaps.

but not to me.

i find it simply sad, and it reminds me again of the heartache and tragedy in the world. which in turn heightens my love for everyone, but especially for the widows and orphans and prisoners.

and for the quadriplegics.

and to burn victims.

you bastard.


p.s. i'm listening to radiohead's "house of cards" right now. so beautiful.

have a great day.

jonbon said...

YOU'RE the bastard, my friend. But it certainly takes one to know one. Actually, I took impeccable notes from you while studying under your tutelage for those undergrad years.


Mike Bailey said...

yes, i AM the bastard.

"so how IS it going? let me tell you how I think it's going for you..."