Friday, January 30, 2009

happy there's a misnomer


Susan Hasbrouck said...

Hey jonbon,

1. Not knowing you, is this a misnomer because a) "happy" depends on whether there's some Dogfish Head or Arrogant Bastard to be had, or b) an hour isn't nearly long enough to get/be happy, or c) it's clear I don't know you because it's way more existential than that.

2. Just read your blog from top to bottom. Nice. I'll be back. (Please say the last line in your best Ahnold voice.)

jonbon said...

Thanks, justcurious.

Is d)all of the above, an option? For the record, I'd go with Dogfish head. They make a tasteful IPA--maybe my favorite.

Welcome to my blog. You are now one of 5 readers, and 3 commenters. I'd like to call it an elite group, but it's more of a paucity of readers--due to material that is somewhat lacking.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

"All of the above" is certainly an option, though that brings to mind a tortuous professor I had who not only offered "all of the above", but also "none of the above", and then various combinations of a,b,c, and d. But, I digress.

Dogfish Head is definitely a favorite in my house, 60 and 90 minute both (we're equal opportunity).

Finally, I arrived at your blog predisposed to think well of your writing, but even so, I would say there's nothing lacking whatsoever except more posts!

jonbon said...

Yes, 60 and 90 are both great. I had a 120 for my bday in 2008; and i hate to report it, but it was simply too hoppy. I thought I'd never utter those words.

I like you jc, you're kind. And the older I get, the more I genuinely appreciate kindness. And!--you're 'about me' is quite funny.

So welcome. I'll try to post more often.