Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So what's been goin' on wich'ya?

Well, quite a bit actually. Notwithstanding my previous post, I have been largely mia, as it were, and for that I apologize to all my readers--and of course by 'readers' I mean to indicate those faithful few whom I can count on one hand.

So what's been going on, seriously?

I continue to vacillate between a PhD application and law school application. Law?! John, I thought we had moved past all that? Yes, we had. But alas! the latter has resurfaced only recently. "Why?" you ask? Indeed, queries into the matter often leave me vexed, but for the sake of my reader, that is for your sake, I'll run down the pros and cons. NB, however, a PhD in Religion is no doubt my first choice.

So as many (i.e. all) of you know, the economic climate has taken a turn for the worse, and we have all felt (and continue to feel) its repercussions in one form or another. Indeed, the ivory towers of higher education are not impervious to such consequences. The resultant effects are felt primarily in funding, which means no hiring and a paucity of PhD slots among institutions. As such, every school to which I am applying this Fall is taking ONE PhD candidate. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a solid student with high marks all around. But do I possess the makings to qualify for the one, particular spot? Do these schools really need one more white male? Broadly speaking, does society really need another less-capable, over-achieving, white male, seeking to add a word or two to the religious milieu of the day? In short: no, no, and no! But, as it stands, I am going to apply. At this point I feel as though I would be remiss, coming this far and working this hard, if I did not at least give it a shot. As such, I will be applying to the following: Princeton, Duke, Emory, Vandy, Notre Dame, and Baylor (and maybe Yale).

On the up and up, I almost have a 4.0 (3.94 to be exact) and have even been selected to teach as a graduate assistant next year in Hebrew. With a writing sample in the works, a couple faculty recommendations pending, and a plethora of GRE vocab cards, I continue to proceed with a hope and a dream.

If the aforementioned fails, I'm off to other options. I'm thinking law school or trying my hand in the micro-brewing business. The name of the micro-brewery: He-Brews.

And that's what's been goin' on.


Susan Hasbrouck said...

As much as it sounds like you would sweep any entrance exam, I think you should go with the brewery, based on the name alone.

jonbon said...

i like where your heads at, jc. it's a close second behind the phd business.

Keri Leigh said...

He-brews all the way!!!!